1. System Requirements

Ensure your system meets these prerequisites:

2. Install Dependencies

Run the following to install necessary tools:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl tar wget build-essential -y

3. Download the Avail Binary

Fetch the latest Avail release:

curl -LO <https://github.com/availproject/avail/releases/download/><VERSION>/<BINARY>.tar.gz

Replace <VERSION> and <BINARY> with appropriate values from the Avail Releases.

4. Extract and Prepare the Binary

Extract the downloaded archive:

tar -xzvf <BINARY>.tar.gz

5. Run the Full Node

Execute the binary with necessary parameters:

./avail-node \\
    --name <your-node-name> \\
    --chain <network-type> \\
    --rpc-external \\
    --ws-external \\
    -d /path/to/data/directory